pilsen preservation collective

Make your voice heard!
Write to the City Council and tell them that you support the Pilsen TIF amendment.
Send your comments to : committeeonfinance@cityofchicago.org
Subject Line: I say YES to Preserving Pilsen – pass the Pilsen TIF expansion!
The Pilsen TIF expansion is a YES to clean water and the replacement of lead pipes in a 100- 135-year-old water system!
The TIF expansion is a YES to the reconstruction of over 100-year-old vaulted sidewalks across the Pilsen community!
We say YES to the expansion of the Rudy Lozano Library and archives documenting the immigrant stories on the Near West Side!
We say YES to small property owners!
We say YES to support of local schools!
We say YES to support struggling small businesses!
We say YES to affordable and cooperative housing on the West Side!
We say YES to a transparent and community-led process for the Pilsen community from the 11th, 12th,and 25th Wards!
The Resurrection Project
Pilsen Neighbors Community Council
Alivio Medical Center
El Valor
El Hogar Del Nino
Chicago Commons
Instituto del Progreso Latino
Mujeres Latinas en Accion
Domestic Violence Outreach
Pilsen Welness Center
Healthy Hood Chicago
National Catholic Council for Hispanic Ministry USA
Pilsen Chamber of Commerce
Economic Strategies Development Corporation
Foundation Chicago
Pilsen Defense & Access
J-Def Peace Project
Faith Table Interfaith Coalition
Lincoln United Methodist Church
St Pius V Catholic Church
Mother of the Americas Catholic Church
Neveria El Sabor de Mexico
De Colores
Don Churro
Enriquez Produce
Manual Cinema
Teresa Fraga, Resident
Dominic Fejer, Resident
Guacolda Reyes, Resident
Esther Corpuz, Alivio Medical Center
Rosaura Arrellano, El Hogar del Niño
Javier Yañez, APO
Rey B. Gonzalez, El Valor
Linda Tortolero- Mujeres Latinas en Acción
Edgar Ramirez- Chicago Commons
Raul I. Raymundo-The Resurrection Project
Karina Ayala-Bermejo- Instituto Del Progresso Latino
Paul Naranjo, Pilsen Wellness Center
Juan F. Soto, Pilsen Neighbors Community Council
Jose R Perez, Pilsen Chamber of Commerce
Alex Esparza, Economic Strategies Development Corporation
Edwin Molina and Molina family members- Don Churro
Sergio Reyes - De Colores
Garcia Family – Del Toro
Fr Tom Lynch, St Pius V Church
Fr Tom Boharic, Mother of the Americas Church
Fr Don Nevins
Pastor Emma Lozano, Lincoln United Methodist Church / Centro Sin Fronteras
Fr. Chuck Dahm, Domestic Violence Outreach
Fr. Brendan Curran, Faith Table Interfaith Coalition
Manny Rivera, Hope Culture, Inc
Pastor Alex Martinez, Hope Culture, Inc.